Treatment Centers by City
- Anchorage
- Fairbanks
- Juneau
- Kenai
- Ketchikan
- Palmer
- Sitka
- Wasilla
- Barrow
- Bethel
- Kodiak
- Kotzebue
- Soldotna
- Copper Center
- Cordova
- Dillingham
- Eagle River
- Fort Yukon
- King Cove
- Ninilchik
- Nome
- Petersburg
- Sand Point
- Seward
- Tok
- Valdez
- Wrangell
- Craig
- Delta Junction
- Dutch Harbor
- Girdwood
- Homer
- Klawock
- Nenana
- New Stuyahok
- St. Paul Island
- Yakutat
- Arc of Anchorage
- Arc of Anchorage
is located at 2211 Arca Drive Anchorage, AK. 99508 and can be contacted by calling 907-277-6677. Arc of Anchorage offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Prescription Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee
- Contact Us
- Think that you may have a problem with alcohol? Keep a drinking diary. Write down how many drinks you consume over a month-long period and how much it costs you. When you realize how much dough you're sinking on drinking, it might give you incentive to cut down your alcohol intake even further.
- As of 1990, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans have stated that women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should not consume alcohol.
- Injuries for children of alcoholics are more than 150% greater than those of other children.
- Women who drink regularly are at significantly greater risk for liver damage than men even if they drink less or drink for a shorter period of time.
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